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Copyright questions.........

Hello all--

Within the past year, I have started my photography business. Previous to this, I worked for another photographer in my area. She offered custom designed christmas cards to clients using images from their sessions, many of which I designed myself. My question far as copyright goes, if I offer my clients the same sort of does the copyright issue work..or is it even an issue? Of course my designs wouldn't be exactly the same as hers, but generally the same concept. I know that photos are subject to copyright immediately, what about design elements?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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September 06, 2005


  As long as you aren't taking her files you will be fine. There is no copyright breachs here, or no two photographer would ever be able to produce the same type of album etc.

Go for it and have fun!

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September 06, 2005


  Thanks for the reply! I'm just really nervous, and initially wasn't planning on offering the cards, then a few of the clients who followed me were wondering if they could get the Christmas cards like they had last year and I wasn't sure what to tell them. Since there is a change my previous employer might see them, I didn't want there to be any issues.

Anyone else have any input?

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September 06, 2005


Autumn Hernandez
  Natalie is right. It's my understanding that ideas are not copyrighted, just the actual product. As long as you're not using the exact templates as she does, you're fine. If only one photographer had the market on Christmas cards, we'd all be out of luck. lol

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September 06, 2005


Liza M. Franco
  To the best of my knowledge and I may not be correct, but I don't believe someone can copyright a concept as such. If there are graphics or logos that you designed, then they should be yours. If it were me, I think I would make my designs and copyright a compilation of work by sending it in all at once. You will be able to pay one fee for all. Then there won't be any question as to if you had the right to use it.

I would try to stay clear of using anything that is exactly the same because even if you designed it, she may say that you did so while you were being paid by her and that therefore she owns the rights to them.

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September 06, 2005

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