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Swapnali Mathkar

Info - large photo Storage on vacation

Hi All,

This is not a question. But I wanted to share some info with u all.
When we take a DSLR for long vacation, we have to take a laptop for storing the pictures and keeping memory cards free for next shoot.
Carrying laptop is manytimes too hectic.
I recently bought a iPod Photos 60GB. and a camera connector for the same. there is a list of cameras supported by this connector on iPod site. Now I can downlaod my pictures to iPod directly without using computer. And later when I am be back home I can copy them to my PC.
Yes there are other photo storage devices also available from sony etc. but all those are very costly compared with iPod photos.
with iPod we can also store the Canon raw files(not sure about other raw) along with jpg etc. but these raw files are not displayable on the screen. If you only want to store the images while on vacation u can use this.

I hope many find this useful

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August 25, 2005


Pat Wimpee
  Thanks Swapnali for the info. I'm going to France in October and I've been trying to decide how to download, so I'll definately be checking this out.

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August 25, 2005

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