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Bobbi S. Tomes

using plexiglass to catch a reflection

I have seen some images where the subject has a reflection of themself beneith them on black or white backgrounds. I asked one girl whos gallery I looked at how it was done and she said it was plaxiglass on a muslim background. However she did not give me any more info and I have a potential client who is interested in such a shot. How big and how thick a peice of plexiglass do I need? How do you make it look seamless in he image? Also, I currantly do not own any studio lights because I am only starting out and have not been able to aford them yet, so can I do this without studio lights? All responses greatly appriciated!

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August 16, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  low angle makes the reflection. no different than what happens with a puddle of water.
big and thick enough to cover the area of view and support the weight. Plexiglass is strong so as long as it's not paper thin. As thick as the glass in a picture frame.
Large pieces are expensive I here.

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August 17, 2005


Joe Jarosz
  I have that and the piece I have is really no more than 1/4" at the most. Gregory is right, as long as it can support the weight, but even then, you can put something beneath it to rest it on. You just want it thick enough so it lays flat, no ripples or bumps. Also make sure you keep it clean, any smudges or hair or whatever will show up. As for lights, you can very cheaply make a set. Go to the hardware store and get a one of those work lights with a reflector, the ACE by me has them for about $10. Then go to your local photo store and pick up a 250W daylight bulb, less than $10. You might want 2 of these so you can position them as you want to get the best lighting and reflection. Only thing you have to be careful with is they get hot. very hot, so can't leave them on for long periods of time. You may be able to get by with less wattage, but thats the setup I used. Here's a link to the picture I took.

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August 17, 2005


Joe Jarosz
  One other thought. You might consider picking up a light tent. They are reasonably priced, and may even come with a frosted piece of plexi. The one I bought did. here's an example

They have bigger ones as well.

That lets you put an object in the tent and have a nice soft diffused even light on the object.

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August 17, 2005

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