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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Ron Atkinson

Book, A New Beginning

When are we going to get our book, I have seen the questions from others on your site with the same problem. I paid for my copy quite some time ago, I did get notification from you stating that I should recieve my copy before April 2005, guess what, I haven't, what is your excuse this time, and when can I expect it now. Are you sure this is not a scam, it is starting to look that way.
Fair go, Ron Atkinson

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August 10, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
Is this book, by any chance, published by Circle of Photographers, or the International Library of Photography, or something like that?

There have been many threads here at about these books, but the books are in no way connected with or published by BetterPhoto. People just talk about them here because lots of people have gotten taken in by these schemes.

Did your photo get "selected for publication" in a book, and you sent in payment for the book? If so, from what I've heard from others, you just need to be patient. You will eventually get your book, they just never come out when promised.

Everyone that submits a picture gets selected, but you only get published in the book if you pay for the book. After enough people send in their money, and they have enough paid photos to fill the book, they will publish it and send it to you.

It's not so much a scam, it's a scheme. They make money from people who want to see their picture published in a book.

Now if you get an email or letter inviting you to a winner's convention or asking for money to ship your prizes, you should probably delete that one. Don't send them any more money.

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August 11, 2005


Ron Atkinson
  OK, sorry if I got off my horse.


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August 11, 2005

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