Fuji Velvia, etc, is it okay to leave the ..."> Fuji Velvia, etc, is it okay to leave the ..."/>

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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 


Film Okay After Sitting in Camera

When I am shooting my professional slide film, such as Fuji Velvia, etc, is it okay to leave the film in the camera body overnight or maybe a couple days, if I can't finish the roll in one day. Will it affect the film at all? Thanks everyone.


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May 17, 2001


John A. Lind
  In Europe, Velvia is sold as a consumer film without refrigeration!

As for pro films, in general, sitting inside a camera, refrigeration is only important for long-term storage measured in months, not days or weeks. The reason for refrigeration is to hold them at their peak until use. Pro films are "aged" to their "peak" by the manufacturer and then refrigerated to hold them there longer. Consumer films are shipped "green" and expected to age some while on store shelves and in cameras.

As long as you do not expose the film to severe extremes of temperature or humidity that would affect nearly any film (pro or consumer), a pro film can be unrefrigerated for a several weeks without any detectable shift. I do this often on trips when it's too inconvenient to keep them refrigerated during travel and don't worry about it until unrefrigerated time approaches about 3 weeks. After a roll is finished I try to get it into processing within a week, but upward of several weeks shouldn't cause any detectable change either.

-- John

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May 17, 2001

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