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Photography Question 

Jill M. H.

my gallery

How does my gallery look ?, I listened to all of you and added more photos. Please let me know how the new pictures are!

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July 28, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Please take these comments in the spirit they are given - constructive critique, not mean criticism.

Hot Band - Technically, this is not a good photo but artistically I like it, probably more than I would have liked it if it had been technically correct.

Jump jump - Would have been better if you had not cut off the arm but I like the action and thought put into this one. It is underexposed on the subject but that is due to the limitations of your camera. Its meter took the reading too much off the background.

Railroad Croosbuck - Should have put the crossbuck off to the left. Normally, you should not put the subject smack in the middle of the picture. Naturally, there are times when you want to break this rule.

Pictures of kids - Try shooting vertically when you only have 1 or 2 people in the picture (there are exceptions).

Driving down the road - I am not really sure what to say about this one. It really doesn't have much of a subject but it shows the beginning of an artistic eye. If you get a chance to shoot one like this again, try putting a car far down the road (or a person a little closer walking down the road). A shot like this has a lot of potential. Just keep experimenting with it. Try shooting it late in the evening (with the person walking), etc. I like the way you shot with the road beginning off to the left rather than just shooting down the middle of a straight stretch. Play with this scene a little and I think you may have a winner.

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July 29, 2005


Angela K. Wittmer
  Hey Jill!

You have a good start, but I have a few suggestions for you to help you out.

1. Really watch you backgrounds. I the swimming pool one it looks like there is a pole growing out of the girls hair. This is a common mistake we have all done. Also make sure there is nothing in the back that is disracting like cars, etc.

2. Like Kerry said, place your main subject slightly off center & get closer if possible.

3. I like swinging alot. I wish the color would pop a little more but that just may be the type of camera you have. I like how the subject is placed.

4. I like down the road but like Kerry stated put someone walking down it, like a child maybe dragging a stick or carrying a fishing pole or riding a horse, etc. There are lots of possibilities.

Are you from Iowa? That is where I live. I was thinking of trying to get a photo club started & if you are in my area email me.... I would love to hear from you! Keep practicing!

Smiles! Angie

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July 29, 2005


Jon Close
  A problem common with "big smile," "maddie and rach," and "jump jump" is that the camera has focussed behind the subject. Looking at the specs of the Vivitar Vivicam 3750, I see it is a fixed focus lens. In the "Landscape/Normal" setting it is focused at about 10 ft. and relies on the depth of field to be relatively in-focus from 5 ft. to infinity. At the "Close-Up" setting focus is set for about 4 ft. with depth of field ranging from 3 to 5 ft.

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July 29, 2005

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