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Photography Question 

Alisha L. Ekstrom

Help with this photo PLEASE!!!

Ok....I was just wondering if anyone can help me with this image. I shot this image on an overcast day in Goblin Valley so the sky is white. I know I've seen some people able to make there skies blue or bring some color to the sky through Photoshop. I have Photoshop 7.0 so could someone PLEASE instruct me on how to help the sky in this image. Thanks a bunch!!!

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July 11, 2005


James C. Creegan
  Goblin retouched
Goblin retouched

James C. Creegan

Hi Alisha- it seems to be 100% white so there's no way you can get back the actual colour of the sky. However- you could create a new layer behind your photo with some sky taken from another source (I just used google images).

Then you need to select the sky you want to replace- I drew a rectangle around the part where I thought the sky should go, then intersected that with the white area (using Select Regions By Colour).

Then you can just clear the selected area, exposing the sky you have underneath.
The difficulty will be in getting the right colour sky and making sure your selection border isn't too obvious (use some feathering on the selection).

Here's a rush job that I did:

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July 12, 2005

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