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Photography Question 

Betsy Labuschagne

Studio photography

I am trying to set up a home studio, took my first shots last night and was devastated when I collected my prints today. I should maybe just mention that I thought it would be easier, i'm really an amateur. I don't know anything about studio lighting, and my subjects look white and pasty. I took the shots with a main light with umbrella (reflecting) and a softbox, ISO 100 film. Were the lights too close to my subject? Should you use studio lights high up or low down when photographing babies. I also seemed to have mastered the "ghostly" effect quite nicely (second photo). Can I correct this with a faster shutter speed? I know I have a long way to go, but with some guidance I could get there a lot quicker! Please help!

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July 06, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  First, get a flash meter. When using more than one light, you really need a flash meter. Shoot in manual mode at the aperature recommended by your meter. Get a family member to pose for you and move the lights around, distance wise, until you get the effect you want. When you are happy with the results, mark the spot on the floor where you want you lights to be and always set them up in the same place.

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July 06, 2005


Michelle Ross
  HI Betsy. . . I take it you are using a film camera . . . I am just starting with studio lighting as well but I use digital so I can at least see what I'm getting . . .but I have a 2 light umbrella set with a 3rd background light. . . I took two little girls the other day and didn't use the background light and it makes a big difference. The 3rd girl I did use the background light and it made a big difference in the exposure. I had gotten a little booklet from novatron and tried to use their recommendations as far as light placement but that put me way tooo close to the subject. . . so I had to do quite a bit of adjusting . .. I have a light meter coming and can't wait to see how it responds using the lights. . . I'm guessing the lights were too close if they turned out ghostly. . . I have the main light off to the right side and the fill light behind the camera, both up fairly high with the ends of the umbrella pointing towards the subject's chest area and then the background light to the left and up shining on the background(or use as a hairlight). This setup seemed to work for me for "this time" however, the color of the clothes, other lighting and stuff can also make a difference in the exposure too. . . I'm by far no expert though and have only used the lights a couple of times and have tons to learn. My lights and also my powerpack can have the power adjusted . . . I think I set the lights on -1 and would take two shots with the powerpack on full power and one 1/2 power. . . sometimes there wasn't a middle . . . one was too light and one was darker than I wanted. . . however I have found it's much easier to salvage the dark shots then it is the ones that are too bright. The little dance girls in my gallery are a few that I took with this set up . . . Babies also will have much fairer skin typically so my guess would be that you would want a very subtle light. . . do you have a north window . . . taking photos in natural light is very appealing sometimes and if they are newborn and sleeping they don't tend to move around alot so you can probably get by with a slower shutter speed and not get movement. . . a north window doesn't have to be used but I'm told it has the best natural light angle. . . I think I"m really rambling here and I hope that I've helped. . . I didnt' see the picture you were referring to which would help if you want to load some of the pics to your gallery for us to see. Best of Luck!

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July 06, 2005


Betsy Labuschagne
These are the images I was referring to, still getting used to using the page. Thank you for your recommendations, I will definately try them.

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July 06, 2005


Debby A. Tabb
try this thread-I have explained alot and there is before and after she tryed the suggestions. See if this helps and let me know if you need more.
I am just getting back from a TRULY EXHUSTING trip from Ca to NB and back in three days! so , I am just vegging a little.
let me know if this helps ,
thanks, Debby

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July 06, 2005


Debby A. Tabb
I forgot to give you the thread,lol,lol
here itis:

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July 06, 2005


Collette Photography
  I think it does look like you had the light on ,there left, to close so it washed out the side of there faces, you should try backing it up and maybe raising it a little.

I think they are pretty good for being your first!!

Just keep experimenting, with family members and friends, and you will eventually get the hange of it!!


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July 06, 2005

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