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Deb Brown

Photoshop Elements 3.0 vs. CS

I am currently using Photoshop Elements 2.0. Wondering if someone could please tell me what the major differences are between 2.0, 3.0 and CS? I just wonder if it's worth it to spend the money on CS, or does 3.0 offer a lot.........and is there any major difference between the 2.0 and 3.0 versions? Appreciate any feedback!

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June 27, 2005


Oliver Anderson
  I fortunately have 3.0, CS & CS2. Call Adobe and get the upgrade to 3.0 for a little over $75. THe CS2 is great but it is lots of $$$. I think that the step from 2.0 to 3.0 is big enough to keep anyone busy if they are an amatuer like I am. I love the quickfix feature that is available on the 3.0. I don't even open CS now that I've got CS2. But do use 3.0 all the time.

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June 27, 2005


John Rhodes
You asked the major difference between elements and CS. I could be a smart aleck and say "around $500+, but I won't say that.

This is not intended to be a definitive answer to your question as I don't use CS; however, I have been using Elements 3 for some time and feel it is a very powerful tool for most photographers. I used a trial version of Elements 2 before purchasing version 3. I believe 3 is considerably more powerful than 2, incorporating many of the features of CS, although somewhat reduced in functionality.

Take a look at the following to read a review of Elements 3. Consider that version 3 can be purchased for less than $100, it wouldn't be a great loss if you decided you had to have Cs at a later date.



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June 27, 2005


Deb Brown
  Thank you, Oliver and John. I really appreciate the great feedback and insight. John, I will pull up the link to get some further information. Thanks again for the speedy responses!

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June 27, 2005


Irene Troy
  Hi Deb -

I actually did make the jump from Elements 2 to CS2 and it is a considerable jump - not only in price but in capabilities. I had used PS 5.0 so the upgrade was only about $150. If you want a really powerful piece of software go to CS2; however there is so much in this program that I don't have a clue how to use that sometimes I still go back to Elements. If you want to give it a trial - you can go to the Adobe site and download a trial version for 2 weeks. This will give you a chance to check it out and see if its for you. The download is free.

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June 27, 2005


Deb Brown
  Amazing! Where else can you go and get so many helpful responses in less than an hour?! Thanks for the download info., Irene!

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June 27, 2005


Lewis Kemper
  Since I teach Photoshop I am biased towards the full version of CS2. The main items that are missing in Elements that make me think CS2 is worth the difference is Curves, Layer Masks, Auto Color Correction and Selective Color. I use these features for most of my image editing. If you are interested in learning about them you can see my Photographer's Toolbox for Photoshop classes. But if you want to buy CS2 the best way is to find someone in college ( a friend, relative, child of a friend, etc) and have them buy it at the college bookstore. It is half price and even though it says educational version it is the same and carries the same upgrade path. It may even be worth it to sign up for a class at a local community college, get you id card, go to the bookstore and then drop the class!

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June 27, 2005

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