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Photography Question 


Digital without delay

Hi, I want to buy a digital camera, SLR or compact. I want to use it for design purposes, digital is just better for that now a days. Most of the compacts I have looked at has a delayed actionayed when the dancer is in the air and you press the button, the camera captures it when the dancer is already down on the floor again. Know what I mean? The action must not be delayed, the quality must be good and I need a zoom, optical and digital. I really don't know what the best is for this type of pictures, but I don't really have a lot of money to spend on the newest SLR's on the market, so I really need help. Hope anyone can help.

Thank you

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June 24, 2005


Stuart U

Though I have never used one, I understand that many of the "Prosumer" cameras would fit the bill. They have no shutter lag, very good lenses and take a fair sized picture. In a camera store, I have seen a really nice Konica that the salesman used to take a wedding go for ~$800.


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June 24, 2005

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