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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

manual settings on point and shoots

I had been wondering about the manual settings on some digital point and shoot cameras. Perhaps they would be better known as advanced point and shoots or EVF digitals.

I was wondering why 35mm point and shoot cameras don't have these settings. Could it be because most people buying them would rarely use manual settings or maybe because if you mess up and don't know what you are doing you could review and delete if necessary?

What do you think about this?


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June 17, 2005


John C. Schwentner
  My belief is that the 35mm film point and shoots were designed to keep it simple for casual photography for those people who dont want to really have any buttons to push or have to learn too much. But with digital, its easy to pack electronics in those camera bodies, and I think youre right about having all the manual settings to play with since its no big deal to back up.

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June 17, 2005

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