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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

about nature photography

i am not a professional photographer. i've a question about the time of phtography. if I want to take the photograph of a landscape, what is the suitable time for that -- morning,noon, afternoon or evening?

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June 02, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  The general "norm" or "rule of thumb" has always been early or late in the day for outside landscapes in SUNNY conditions. The light seems to be more pleasing during these times, and longer shadows can add depth.
In overcast or rainy weather, the time of day really makes no difference as the overcast sky smooths out the light like a large softbox, and pretty much eliminates any directional light.
However, one cannot simply go by such rules. Too many other factors come in to play which may affect when you do or can shoot a scene.
If you are really concerned about what time of day to shoot a given landscape, the I suggest scouting it out, observing which way the sun moves across the scene, and then what time of day would best portray this particular scene. There may be more than one time of day which gives different "looks" to any scene, and which one is "BEST" is really quite subjective. And then there are the times when you are there with your camera, and may never be there again. The lighting may not be the best when you are there. Do you take the shot or not?
Michael H. Cothran

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June 02, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  You could always, if you have the time, shoot the same scene at each time of the day and see which one you like the best. Each time will give you a different look.

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June 02, 2005

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