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Irene Troy

Exposure problems with digital

I need some help/advice from all the digital gurus out there - you know who you are. I am really having issues with my Konica-Minolta 7D SLR and attaining proper exposure. First, you need to know that I am fairly new to digital and have only been using this camera for about 10 weeks. I do have at least a fundamental grasp on the basics of exposure, but I am really struggling with the digital. As shot (without any manipulation) almost every shot I make is either over or under exposed. If I use the auto-setting (letting the camera decide the exposure) the result is an improperly exposed image. When I manually set exposure – using either aperture/shutter priority or the manual setting – the resulting image is still not properly exposed. I have learned that regardless of light conditions/contrast/subject that when using my macro lens I have to set a compensation of .5 - 2 stops up in order to achieve a correct exposure. When using any other lens, 35mm; 300mm; etc. I have to adjust compensation up or down according to conditions – every time. Of-course, I can manually set everything and simply ignore the flashing warning light that tries to tell me that the image is over/under exposed. When I view the histogram of the image after shooting it almost always is going either all the way to the left (underexposed) or all the way to the right (overexposed). Yet, when I examine the image in PS the exposure is usually fine. But, this is only after I have overridden the camera’s own sensor to set the exposure manually. None of this makes sense to me. I can understand that the camera might mis-read the light occasionally or even that it cannot figure out settings for a high contrast image. But, this problem exists for all images. A few more details, if it helps at all: I usually shoot in RAW/JPEG mode; I have tried using just about all white balance options including AWB and have yet to see any difference in the results; I try to leave my ISO rating on 100; almost everything I do is done outside in natural light. Does any of this make sense to you? Am I failing to grasp something fundamental to digital? Is it possible that the TTL metering is faulty? Is there a way to check this? Thanks for any help!

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May 31, 2005

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