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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Image editing

I have a cloesup picture of a red rose. And I would like to offset the colors to make the rose the thing that draws you in. Using Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0, how do I make the background (leaves) black and white, but leave the red rose, red?

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May 15, 2005


John Rhodes
Jamie, After reading your question, I opened a phot of a dianthus to see if I could apply the effect you want with your rose. It was fairly simple. The more contrast between the rose and the background, the easier it will be to isolate. select the rose with a selection tool. You could try the Magic Wand; I used the Magnetic Lasso tool to select the flower. Once the flower is selected, go under the Selection menu and Inverse the selection. Then go to the Enhance menu, Adjust Color, Remove Color. That will create B&W where there was once color. Good luck.

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May 15, 2005


John Rhodes
Jamie, John again. Take a look at my gallery. I just uploaded the flower I converted the background to B&W.

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May 15, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  I have a few wedding photos in my gallery that I've used a similar effect on. I use MS Digital Image Pro, but the steps are pretty much the same. To add more emphasis, I will sometimes also add some Gaussian blur to the background.

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May 15, 2005

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