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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Peter Copu

How Much Photoshop

How much Photoshop is aloud on any given pictures?

Just trying to abide by the rules.


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May 11, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  By whose "rules" are you referring??

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May 11, 2005 - Robert Hambley

Contact Robert Hambley
Robert Hambley's Gallery

This is a loaded question. You have the 'purists' who believe no PS'ing anything (save sharpening/levels).

You have a growing number of people who believe that minor adjustments are ok. This being cloning small things etc. as long as it looks good in the end. I have cloned entire branches out of images that were distractions and if I had been able, they wouldn't have been there. See

You have another fraction that believes anything can be done, you are making a piece of art, it is yours and you can create it how you like.

For the contest, or any contest, check the rules. Some will state right out .. no image modifications (like digitalphotocontest except .. levels,sharpening).

It also depends on what the use of the picture is. If it is for 'Art' then do what you want to make it how you want it. If it is forensic photography or journalistic photography, basically no editing is allowed (obvious reasons). Check out for more. or this

Basically, it is subjective to the photographer and to what the intent for the photograph is.

Good Luck

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May 11, 2005


Peter Copu

I was referring to the rules of BetterPhoto's Enter to Win Contest, I hadn't seen anything on Term and Conditions.
Thank you Robert.
Sorry for not clarifying Michael.


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May 11, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
I'll assume you mean the monthly contest here at BP. You can find the guidelines on the Contest menu on the left, but I can tell you that there is no hard & fast rule regarding how much digital editing can be done on an image. I think the closest you'll find is in the description of the Digital Darkroom category under Guidelines - How to Categorize.

In that section, it states, "If the digital darkroom work is the main attraction of the photo, or plays a big part, enter it here."

MY interpretation is that if digital editing has been done to enhance or correct a photo to make it look more lifelike, more natural, or just a better representation of the subject or scene, then it should still go in whatever category the subject fits in.

An example could be, if you take a portrait of a person, and digitally blur the background to emphasize the subject, I think it's still a picture of a person and would put it in the People category. If you cut the person out of the studio background and paste them into the beach picture you took, then I think you should put it in the Digital Darkroom category.

Of course, these are just my opinions, and I haven't anything in the contests -- yet.

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May 11, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  That last line should have said I haven't WON anything in the contests -- yet.

Good luck.

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May 11, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  You will. You do good work - even if you do use digital.

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May 11, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  Thanks, Kerry. Compliments are always appreciated. Even from self-proclaimed film dinosaurs.

Have a great day.

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May 11, 2005 - Robert Hambley

Contact Robert Hambley
Robert Hambley's Gallery
  LOL Kerry.. Didn't realize you were a dinosaur.

Found an old roll of unopened 110 film the other day.. want it?


**Warning** This post contains humor!

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May 11, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  They don't call me Dino because I sing like Dean Martin. I'll pass on the 110 but I will take 120 film. LOL

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May 11, 2005

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