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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Damian P. Gadal

Do you leave the warts?

I shot a carshow last weekend for stock submission and though I was hoping for an overcast day, it turned out to be warm and sunny.

The obvious downside of sunny lighting conditions are hot spots on the cars, which I've learned to work around.

The other downside is that my camera picks up all the flaws in the paint job and sees all of the dirt and dust on the cars that you just don't notice with the naked eye...

I've been to a couple of lectures recently hosted by my local camera club and the professionals are saying that with digital there shouldn't be any flaws in images any longer, that there's no excuse for them. These are folks teaching a Brooks Institutue.

My question is: Is this really true, and if so, has photography taken a backseat to graphic design/illustration - leaving the photographer a slave to Photoshop?

Where's the joy in that?

I just can't seem to buy into the "I'll just fix it later" school of photography! I'm sure I'm not all alone in this....

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April 30, 2005

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