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Photography Question 

Susan R. Toste

Shooting headshots outdoors, How to advice

Attention Jon:
I am a novice and I need to shoot some headshots of my girls for auditions. I want to do them outside with available lighting but have no idea what filters to use and what film.
I can e-mail a couple examples of indoor and outdoor stuff I did, but I want to get that look I see professionals achieve.
I have not been able to light their eyes to show the true color. I wanted to try a filter to warm skintones.
Eventually I will hire a professional but I am interested in trying to get some on my own because my compostion is as good as some professionals. I designed a CD jacket for my youngest, but I want a better cover shot.

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February 15, 2001


Jon Close
  Hi Susan. I'm not a professional portrait photographer, so others might be able to offer better advice, especially on film.

If you are shooting outdoors at mid-day, the sun will cause a heavy shadow from the brow that leaves your subject's eyes too dark. Use a reflector to bounce sunlight on the face, or use fill flash, or shoot in either the morning or late afternoon when the sun is lower in the sky. The late afternoon sunlight will also have a warming effect on colors, improving skintone. If you want more effect you can also use a gold colored reflector, or a warming filter such as Tiffen's 812.

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February 16, 2001


Susan R. Toste
  Hi Jon,
Thank you so much for your quick response.

I have never used fill in flash and am not sure how. I have an old Pentax K1000
50mm with a flash that mounts on the camera. The flash has a guide on the side to adjust your F-stop by the type of film and how far you are away from your subject. My camera has a built in light meter. I just bought a Hoya 81B filter and have never tried filters. please Help!!!!! I am not that confident but love taking pictures of my children and have had some good results. (Susan)

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February 16, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  For starters I would recommend that you not worry about using fill flash at this point. Make some reflectors and look for open shade or even better an overcast day. Even when the lighting looks nice and even, still use the reflector to at least add a catch light in the eyes (as well as bring out the color. A gold reflector will give you great skin tones.

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March 04, 2001

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