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Photography Question 

Kevin M. Dyer


I am looking for help in pricing my my prints. I am finding this task to be one of the most challenging aspects of being a photographer. I have recently produced some high quality travel images from various exotic locals into mounted and framed Light Jet prints on Fuji Crystal Archive paper. They are on display in a cafe/gallery type setting and I need to establish my pricing for mounted and framed as well as unframed prints. I realize that there are many variables in play and, "the higher the price, the higher the percieved value is for the purchaser". My cost to produce the finished artwork hanging on the wall was about $300, which of course does not include my time, the uniqueness of the image, etc. I've seen similar work priced anywhere from $400 - $1,500! I guess I'd like to know what most professional photographers mark-up percentage is?
I'm Looking forward to your replies.
Thank you,
Kevin Dyer

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April 27, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  Unfortunately, the price someone is willing to pay is the Criterion.

An artist friend had one of his pictures up for sale at $3,800. I asked his pricing basis since I think $/hr is meaningless as he paints a picture. His response was: more than the last one sold for.

Perhaps an original Ansel Adams photo might bring a princely price, but I can imagine a huge market for a photo cost $1,500, especially by a photographer who is not too well known. I'd try the old. tried and true "plumber's rule." Double your costs. Once you sell at such a price, you can start to increase your prices.

And, if the bulk of the $300 cost you indicated is related to your use of a commercial framer, you need to immediately consider framing yourself. I framed over 17 diplomas, commendations, plaques, and farewell momentos at one sitting for "my son, the lawyer" at a total materials cost of less than $300. His framed works now adorn his office and home, receiving cudos from family, friends and professional colleagues.

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April 28, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  This question and the comments have gotten me interested and thinking as well, when you talk about framing yourself/personally, do you mean actually making the frame from scratch and woodworking or what? I don't assume there are kits haha! I'm just beginning and my pictures are for myself, family, and friends. I have had one of my pictures framed and it was pretty pricy while the print was only about $25 for about a 14x9. Thanks!

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April 28, 2005


Mandi Benoit
  This is something that I too have been struggling with. I don't really "sell" prints, however. I am mainly a portrait photographer and am struggling with what kind of markup to charge for re-prints of the pictures. Is there some set percentage or do I pull a number out of the sky? How do you all figure out what your work is worth??

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April 29, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  First off - use the internet and surf on "frames." There are many sources of frames out there; you just have to be careful about wholesalers vs. retailers.

I use Wholesale Frame service - USA. They just "shifted" business from North Carolina to Texas, a buyout by the frame manufacturer actually. Their new catalog is due out in May. There is a website, but you can't place orders as of yet - the phone numbers are 800.522.3726 [orders] and 800.857.7487 [fax.]

They sell everything: frames, matboards, matboards cutters [although there are cheaper units availble.] They provide greaat quality material at a fair price. I've used their products for almost 10 years.

I have the Alto Mat Cutter []- again for over 10 years. I cut all my own mats. I buy plexiglas or photo glass from a local hardware store.

Hope this helps.

Mandi - as to price: start at a mark-up of 100% of your cost.

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April 29, 2005

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