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Photography Question 

Alex Cabrall

Darkroom Dust!

Well, it's not REALLY a darkroom, more like a bathroom with a changing bag and a Tub I use to develop my own B&W Film. Anyway, I live in the wonderful state of colorado, And the air is dry, so dust is rampant. Not good when the film is out hanging for 2 hours while it dries.
1: Can I use a humidifier (Set to LOW, of course), to remove dust from the air?
2: any other good ideas for "homegrown" dust killers? The idea I have is to either use stuff I already have, or spend up to $20 or so.

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April 18, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  vacumn, clean the bathroom, clean your enlarger, keep a new filter in the house air duct, by a lint free cloth(supposedly) and a can of air.
Heard one person suggest run the shower a little ahead of time. The steam helps take dust out the air(that's supposedly too)

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April 18, 2005

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