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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

type of camera

what is the best camera an amateur can use?

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February 05, 2001


John A. Lind

The answer is probably not what you're looking for: there is no single _best_ camera for an amateur.

Equipment is a very personal and individual choice. What has turned out to be best for me may not be the best for someone else whose goals and preferences are different. There is a lot of crossover within 35mm equipment; amateur phtographers using what is easily be classed as "professional grade" equipment. There really is no "amateur grade" equipment. I would rather class equipment that isn't "professional grade" as "consumer grade" instead.

What separates amateur from professional is the definition that a professional is paid for the work and makes a living at it; an amateur does not.

What is best for you will be defined by the type of photography you want to pursue and the budget you have for the equipment. If you can put your question in those terms, you can get answers about specific equipment characteristics and capabilities that can achieve your goals within your budget.

-- John

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February 06, 2001


  Hi, I would echo John's reply that there simply is not "best" camera system. It all depends on what you want to do with it. I would recommend that you look first at the "big" two, Canon and Nikon, to see if they have something that you would feel good about. I say this because you are going to have a lot of questions and these two companies have the lion's share ob the business, therefore there are a lot of people out there that will be able to help you. My system is Canon, but you can't go wrong with Nikon either. I would look at a Canon Rebel 2000 and perhaps the Nikon N60, or N65. These bodies with a fairly good zoom lens in the 28-80mm f/3.5-4.5 range is a good starter system for less than $500. Then as you become more accustomed to the hobby you can add lens and accessories as you see what you want. Nikon makes more lenses than anyone else, Canon makes more autofocus lenses than anyone else. Both systems will serve you well for years.

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February 20, 2001

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