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Photography Question 

Francesco Cristofaro

Will a Gossen Starlite improve my photography?

Dear Friends,

I have a Canon EOS 3, with 2 zooms with image stabiliser. Recently I purchased a Gossen Starlite exposure light meter. I bought it as it has the facility to average up to 9 spot readings and it also uses the zone system. I haven't tried that one yet.

My main area of interest is landscapes and macro flower photography.

The question I have is whether using the light meter, I should end up with better images? I ask this because at present, I'm having difficulty in producing pin-sharp images. I need to improve my understanding of hyper-focal distance.

My camera has a depth mode, but I haven't mastered this yet. Anyway, how do I use this mode if the camera is on a tripod?

I'm an amateur and a new member to your group.

Thank you, Francesco.

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April 17, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Using hyper-focal distances to focus for landscapes is the best way to go. Sadly, you have no way to determine these distances with your zoom lenses. You will need fixed focal length lenses with DOP scales engraved on them in order to (comfortably) determine hyper-focal distances.
The Gossen meter will not necessarily improve your photographs. It is just another tool. In the hands of a knowledeable user, it can help determine exposures, but your Canon's built-in evaluative meter system can also do wonders, and I doubt using the Gossen in the field will improve much over the Canon's meter, if at all.
Michael H. Cothran

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April 18, 2005

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