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Photography Question 

Amanda K. Padgham

natural lighting questions

I have been trying to learn as much as possible about natural lighting but I still have so many questions. For example, how do I get the best catchlights? Is there a certain way I should position thesubject to get the best light? Also, what do I do if the shutter speed is so low that the subject is blurry d/t not enough light? How do I know if an image is good? Thanks for all your help, as you can tell I'm new!

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April 14, 2005


Richard D. Rawlins
  Hi amanda im new to portrait photography but have been obsessed with learning about it since I started and found a great site that has helped with lighting.

This article concentrates on studio light but covers positioning and catch lights.
In response to your shutter speed problem try swiching to manual controls on the camera and increase the ISO value until you get required shutter speed.Increasing the ISO makes your sensor in the camera more sensitive to light by increasing the voltage to it thus requiring a shorter exposure. However, you need to bear in mind that increased ISO values create more noise in your images so a bit of experimentation would be advised before hand, to see how high a value you can use to get acceptable image quality. If that doesnt cure then opening up your aperture will help providing you are not compromising your depth of field.
If all these are still of no use then you will need to increase the light or use a tripod and keep the subject still (not easy with a baby I know.) It becomes a case of balancing all these actions and light to get the best acceptable results.
Knowing if an image is any good from the vewfinder is tricky and for me it was a case of simply getting used to my camera and its LCD. You cant really tell if the image is sharp but you do get a good idea of the exposure and the way the light has fallen on your subject. I hope this is of some use to you.

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April 14, 2005

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