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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Hockey Arenas

I need help with photographing hockey games at indoor arenas. I'm using a Canon Rebel G with a 75 - 300 mm lens. I use Fuji 800 ISO film and I don't use a flash. I'm pretty new at photography so I've been using my camera's sport mode. Many of my photos seem to have more detail and definition on the ice than they do on the players. Also--too many of my photos have been blurry--even with the quick shutter speed in the sport mode. My outdoor hockey photos have turned out far better. I'll be grateful for any suggestions you can offer!

Thank you! Arden

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January 28, 2001


Daniel F. Smith
  My suggestion would be to do either of two things. Buy a powerful flash, or use a faster film. Your camera can only shoot so fast a shutter speed and still keep the picture correctly exposed, so if you use a flash, or a faster film, that should take care of the blur problem. As to the ice, it sounds like the autofocus system is focusing on the ice instead of the players. If you can choose your focus point, decide which point you want to use, and put that on the player. Hope this helps.


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February 06, 2001


  Arden, get yourself a monopod! They are inexpensive and can be used almost anywhere since the are nothing more than a stick with your camera mounted on it. Tripods can't be used in crowds, but check out the "pros" at football games, etc. They are using monopods and getting great shots. You can buy a good monopod for $30-$50 and take care of the camera shake of the lens at its longest settings.

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February 20, 2001

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