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Photography Question 


Sports Team Photos

I have been asked to shoot team and individual player photos for a youth athletic organization. Although I have considerable commercial photography experience, I've never shot this sort of job before. All I know is that parents expect the finished product to be incredibly cheap (prints, trading cards, memory mates, etc). Does anyone have a good system of doing this sort of stuff? I need get ideas on production line photo techniques, workflow, labs and pricing as it applies to shooting sports teams. If anyone has ever done this kind of job, please respond. I don't want to have to pass this one up. Thanks.

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April 14, 2005


Vince Broesch
  You need a youth sports lab. On big thing is going to be how you do your paperwork/database. Youth Sports labs are real fussy about this, because they want to match 500 image files to 500 text files to make all those traders etc. Labs don't want to end up with 489 text files and 490 images. You will have to follow the labs procedure. One good lab is in Santee CA. Another is here in Spokane, WA. (I was a digital imaging tech for both of these labs)Both labs will be happy to help you plan your shoot and give you advice on how to do things.

Check them out and let me know if you have any questions.


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April 17, 2005


Christel Davis
  I do sports and dance shoots and I think one of the most important things you can do is have some one help you keep the kids in order. If you shoot digital, use the file number, the kids name, and a short desription of each child. That way you can match it up later. Write the info on EVERYTHING! I have a friend that takes the orders and lines the kids up and as I take the pics I tell her the file numbers. I had Target print the last dance I did b/c they needed a 4 day turn. I knew the lab workers very well. They were excited to do the job and did it beautifully! Hub photo services also has memory mates and more. Good luck-hope this helps.

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April 29, 2005

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