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Photography Question 

Matt Vogt

Large Format Scanning

Hey I had a quick question. I have just started shooting black and white photographs with a 4x5 view camera and was wondering about digital imaging. I only have knowledge of very basic dark room techniques and having talked to people who switched from a wet to digital lab realize that though maybe not as "fullfilling" the digital lab has a much quicker learning curve. With that said, I was wondering if someone could give me some information of scanning of 4x5 prints. I assume I would have to take them somewhere to get them done, does anyone know cost? Also, I have heard a lot on both sides about the quality of digital blak and white vs. film black and white and so would I be better off to really learn the wet lab techniques over digital due to the fact I am looking for the best image quality? A lot of questions wrapped up in there I know, sorry. Any advice would be appreciated though, thanks.

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April 12, 2005

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