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Photography Question 

Toni Hopper

Wedding prices, digital vs. print?

I've seen online that many photographers are forgoing print services for weddings and charging a flat rate fee to do weddings and then giving the couple a CD with unedited and edited pictures, allowing the couple the freedom to make what prints they desire. Is this the way to go? It seems like you could pass savings on to the client in this manner, w/o just giving away your work.

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April 08, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  It depends on what you mean by "giving away your work". I'm sure the client would appreciate the "freedom to make the prints they desire". But what if their idea of freedom is to print your work on their $99 home ink jet, stick the pictures in a Walmart album, and then show all their friends (your prospective future clients) what a great job their photographer did.

I think if someone wants to make a name for themselves as a professional photographer, they need to try to maintain as much control as they can over how their work ultimately gets displayed.

Sure, there will be photographers out there offering bargains, but there are also a lot of people out there saying, "Okay, I've been taking snapshots for a few months and now I'm ready to shoot weddings. What kind of camera should I buy?" Who would you hire to capture your big day?

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April 08, 2005

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