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Photography Question 

Roy Blinston


My question isn't really a question. I would like to hear people's opinions about the Direction of Photography in general. My own gut feeling is that it is really booming and has been given a massive new lease of life with the advent of "digital". Does anyone have any "home spun" predictions of where we are going in this field... or what maybe next? What about Art Photography? Will it become so commonplace that the cost of Stock Photography will plummet? Will every man and his dog be out there taking good photos. One can already see the digital "effect" of the TV stations adding Logos to all things aired (to safeguard people copying). Opinions please.... I find this fascinating. - Roy

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April 05, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  No to all those. Digital dosen't do anything to good ideas. Cost of stock won't come down, maybe the pay from it. But that's not because of digital. That's just businesses doing what they've always done.
I see changes in photo labs, and portrait studios with the proliferation of info.
Many portrait places will start loosing some ground to places like Target's in store studio, which I looked at their display two days ago, and they're looking the same as some well known portrait takers. Light bank to the side, fill light on the other. Same poses. Same line about pre-pose consultations or go the extra effort to do something unique to your personality, yada yada.
Maybe some labs will decide to use machines for digital printing, where the image is projected onto the paper, not necessarily laser print. But expose paper with light the same way it is with projecting thru a negative.. Bring in a cd or card instead of a roll, stick it in the machine, expose and advance, expose and advance. It's been so long since I've been in a lab, they may have that already.
Labs that will do film can call themselves full service labs, classify themselves as a specialty and jack up the prices for doing film.
But there's still an old saying, the more things change the more they stay the same.

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April 05, 2005


  What Gregory said. It's still photography. Digital doesn't make a crappy photographer any better. For those who have an interest, it's now more fun as a hobby because once you buy a camera, a lens, a card and a computer, and some software, you can shoot your little heart out with no more expenses. So, there's an initaial layout of dough, but most people already have the computer.

I think that's where the interest is. Most people do not want to enter contest or become pros. They're just enjoying the freedom of being able to shoot and put their photos on their computers with no cost. Film is expensive to do that.


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April 05, 2005


Lori Carpenter
  Do any of you know if there have been any advances on photopaper that cannot be scanned? I'm thinking of something that would reflect when the bright scan light during the scan. Now that would be profound! It would help alot of photographers with their copyright protections. Do you think this is even possible?

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April 05, 2005


  Lori, that sounds like a brillant idea! That would really spook people out! Going to scan a print and coming up with a blank page LOL!

Oh, I can't wait for something like this to come out!

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April 05, 2005


Roy Blinston
  II think maybe you missed my point on some issues. I was using the term "digital" very broadly. Because of "digital" more and more people are taking photos... but more importantly they are "getting involved" and becoming interested in photography... then surely the standard will lift overall... in other words it will become more commonplace. I have seen this happen in "graphics" over the past 20 years (I am a Designer). As more software and availability has hit the market, more and more people are "designing things". Not necessarily good design (often far from it) but they are still designing. The only thing that makes you a better at anything.... is to practice and study. The introduction of "digital" has opened up the doors to the masses. It is no longer a "boys club". - Lori's idea does have a lot of merit. Nice one Lori. The photo labs in Australia already use CCD photo imaging (not printing). The quality is incredible.

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April 05, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Good idea on the paper, in practice you may have certain angles revealing the copyright symbol. They do have paper that has copyright statements all over the back of it. There's that spray on stuff for license plates that causes the glare to prevent traffic cameras from shooting plates. Making something that you coundn't see as a layer on top of a print would be a turn off for some.
But back to the picture taking.
Yes more and more people are taking pictures. The most popular gift this past xmas was a digital camera. But the type of cameras everyone wanted was mostly point and shoot. And it's still what they were going to do with it. Drop load and shoot film cameras made it easier, became popular, more people probably started taking pictures with that.
The internet is probably why digital is so popular, not really anybody wanting to get into graphics. Everything and with geocites and the like, has a web site. Email pictures, put something on a school district web site or a personal website.
More people are designing things, but isn't it all personal crafts, or even maybe for personal business. Not a graphics business, but doing their own business cards, ad for a paper, graphics for their website for a home baked pastry business they've always wanted to have.
Equipment has changed, programs and computers have changed. People really haven't that much.
You said it yourself, more people are doing "designing things" but "Not necessarily good design". They may have it easier, more fun to make something. But according to you, they still need a good idea to start with.

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April 05, 2005


Roy Blinston
  Thanks Gregory. Many things you say are correct. I think it's possible that some of the people that buy a point-and-shoot camera today, may turn into a great photographer in years to come. One's interests have to start somewhere. The more people getting involved with photography, even at a base level, must be described as good in the long term for everyone. People's awareness has been lifted. Mnay of these people will continue to be rank amateurs, but some will take it further. Have you ever met say a "Carpenter" (rough and tough and a typical tradesmen in his field), only to discover he has another hidden side that has never been nurtured (like being an artist.... or a budding photographer). One never knows one's potential until one tries. I believe the advent of "digital" (in all it's avenues) will greatly lift Photography (in particular) to new levels and popularity. I have seen an influx of new students attending photo classes in my home town in the past 2 years. Many will fail, but some will succeed.

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April 06, 2005

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