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Photography Question 

Bunny Snow

Auto Exposure Bracketing

I have a Canon EOS Elan 7E, which I'm learning to use.

Recently, I set the brackets for +2.1, -1.1 and -2.1. On two occasions, all the bracketing points flashed at the same time. The manual aperture was 1/8 at f/16. ISO 100.

I could see if there may not be enough light, but why would they all flash at the same time. Oh, BTW, I was shooting back lighted azaleas and was using partial metering.

AEB is new to me, but I want to understand how it works, so that I can perfect my exposures, at the same time, learn to use my GRAD filter with this camera.

We are going to China in three weeks, and I would like to take this camera with me, so it's important that I understand as much about bracketing as possible.

If it matters, I wash shooting in Av [aperture priority] and Tv [shutter priority] modes, and occasionally using manual focusing and exposures. I was using both a lightweight tripod and a monopod.



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March 18, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  The manual exposure you decribed 1/8 at f/16 suggests very low light. With the bracketting levels you would be at a point where auto-exposure cameras would suggest that you might not get the shot or, worse, that the camera wouldn't take the picture.

I'd check your manual immediately.

Also, doesn't the camera allow you to set the minimal exposure as lowest and bracket upwards? My EOS 3 allows this.

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March 21, 2005


Bunny Snow
  Thanks, John.
During the interim between my post and your reply, I re-read the Magic Lantern Guide for the Canon EOS Elan 7/7E which said:
"...If you do not complete the exposure bracketing, all three indices as well as the function arrow start flashing." [page 57]. That's what occurred and it threw me into a dither.

I was trying to change my aperture or shutter speed, and the camera wouldn't let me. I didn't know what to do. Alas, locked the Quick Control Dial and hoped for the best. This action took place when I was photographing cloud formations for an encroaching thunderstorm.

The next day, while using a partial meter on a back lighted azalea blossom, I was changing f-stops and shutter speeds for manual exposure and unlocked the Quick Control Dial [QCD]. Everything started blinking again. I now know why that occurred, and have altered the bracketing settings and relocked the Quick Control Dial. This Guide says: "To prevent making changes when you didn't mean to, lock the QCD with the off/on lever just below it."

If I completed the setting for the AEB properly, all the flashing would not have occurred in the first place. Turning it off or closing the camera down does not change the setting. It just stops the blinking. When I completed the procedure to use the AEB and use it properly, the blinking of all increments does not occur.

I'm just learning this setting and obviously need more practice.

I also need to return to evaluative metering for a while until I feel more comfortable. Trying to learn too much, too quickly. BTW, most of my cloud metering was fine. I lost detail in some of the darkest clouds as well as where the sun whitened the clouds, but the rest was very nice.

The metering of the flowers seems okay, as well. I've since changed the bracket arrangement. Since I'm shooting mostly slides, I need most of my brackets set for over exposure, rather than under. So, I reset to one under and two over. If that's incorrect for the next time, I now know how to change it.

Thanks for your reply.

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March 21, 2005

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