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Photography Question 

John B. Caulfield

How to use a MacBeth color chart with a digital

What is the best way to use the MacBeth color checker with a digital camera?

Confused Newbie

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March 02, 2005


Chris J. Browne
  Know your camera, Then,

Shoot it with a variety of light in automatic and manual (set your white balance). Daylight will give the best color rendition, but with careful white balance you can achive good results under halogen, tungsten, and even fluorescent lighting. . .

What looks best. . .now print it with a good lab with no corrections. . .then decide. . .it is subjective mostly.

To truely use the chart, you would need a densitometer to check the color spot on the chart to the color spot on the print!

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March 11, 2005


John B. Caulfield
  Chris, thank you for taking the time to respond. Your response taught me a lot. There are no shortcuts to hard work!

Since I am shooting in digital, I think it might be best for me to use the 18% gray card as a starting point for color correction and custom white balance.

Thanks again!

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March 13, 2005


Chris J. Browne
  John - you still need the white card to do a manual balance. After that use the gray card and the MacBeth chart together. It is more telling than just the gray card. Gray cards are good for black and white, but you need color rendition for color film or digital.

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March 13, 2005

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