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Photography Question 

Max Beck

Legalities of Studio Pictures

When you take your photos at places such as Picture People, does the photos become their property? Can I use the photos to submit to contests and such w/o their permission or vice versa?

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February 22, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
I think I can give you an answer if no one else does, but you will need to clarify better.
1. I'm not familiar with "Picture People." What is it exactly? Is it like a portrait studio, or what?
2. When you say "take your photos at Picture People," do you mean that YOU take the pictures with your camera??, or do you mean "having your picture taken?" as done by a professional studio,? or maybe something entirely different?
If you can explain in more detail the concept of your first sentence, it would be easier to respond.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 23, 2005


Max Beck

Sorry I wasn't specific enough. "Picture People" is a potrait studio catered mostly to kids and families. What I meant to say was, I had my son's pictures taken there. To be specific, I would like to enter my son's picture in a contest and want to know if they can use my son's pictures w/o my permission as well... but before I do that, I want to make sure I'm not violating any legalities. I called the studio but teenagers keep on answering the phone and I don't trust their answers to my question. I hope that is clear enough. Thank you for responding. I sure appreciate it! :)

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February 23, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  The studio owns the image. any reproduction needs their permission. I don't see the reason for entering a photo somebody else took in a contest, unless you mean a kids pageant and not a photo contest.
But if it was a photo contest, any winnings go to the studio. If it's a cutest kid contest submitting it for the reason of showing what your kid looks like isn't a problem. But many of those kind of contest claim the right to use winners pictures for any promotional reasons afterwards, and that's when there would be a problem, if they wanted to use that picture.

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February 23, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
Gregory nailed it, so there's no reason for further response.
I'm glad you got an answer.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 24, 2005


Max Beck
  Thank you to both Michael and Gregory. I appreciate you both taking the time out to answer my question. Just to clarify, its not for a photo contest but for a kids pageant sort of thing...again I need to brush up on my wording of things...

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February 24, 2005

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