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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Need Some Help About the Darkroom

I am new to cameras and I have no idea about anything. I was surfing the web looking at different websites about cameras and I found this one. So here's the question: it might sound stupid, but when you finish your darkroom and you have it all set up, you take the pictures with your camera - how do you develop? I'm not sure how to use the darkroom at all. If you have any helpful tips and suggestions feel free to tell me. Thank you for your time


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December 21, 2000


BetterPhoto Member
  I would suggest taking a photo class.... If you have your own darkroom there are A LOT of supplies you'll need... chemicals, enlarger, safe lights... you will also need rolling canisters and chemicals for processing the film (and a really dark space) for that I can't really tell you in writing what to do in the darkroom - there are a lot of things to learn.

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December 27, 2000

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