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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Sue E. Webster

best shots at basketball games

How can I figure out the best settings for basketball games with my nikon 8700?

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February 20, 2005


Diane Dupuis
Practice, Practice, Practice!
Each gym's lighting is different.
If you can be on the floor (rather than above in the stands) that would be best. Having a monopod is also very helpful.
I've been practicing all season and still am learning and trying new things. Hope someone who knows more technically can help you out with the actual camera settings. Good luck!

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February 20, 2005


Diane Dupuis
  Bball action
Bball action

Diane Dupuis

Practice, Practice, Practice!
Each gym's lighting is different.
If you can be on the floor (rather than above in the stands) that would be best. Having a monopod is also very helpful.
I've been practicing all season and still am learning and trying new things. Hope someone who knows more technically can help you out with the actual camera settings. Good luck!

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February 20, 2005

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