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Photography Question 

Karen Thomas

Using a Telephoto Lens Indoors

I have a Cannon Rebel 2000 with a telephoto lens 75-300mm. I recently was asked to take some pictures at a Boy Scout Eagle Court of Honor. Some of the pictures I used this telephoto lens, on a tripod from the back of the room. (about 25-30ft away). My built in flash was also activated. I used ISO 200 speed film. The pictures I took from the back of the room were too dark. I was so disapointed. I guess my flash isn't strong enough to go that far. Most of the shutter speed were on 90 and aperture settings were at 5.6. I had the camera on the "Program" mode. Would it have improved the underexposed pictures to use a faster speed film ie: ISO 400 or even 800? There was average ambient lighting in the room where the Eagle Court of Honor was held.

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December 21, 2000


Jon Close
  Yes, the built-in flash is too weak for good results in that situation. The guide number is 12 (meters at ISO 100) At 35 ft away, you were at the limit of its effective range. Faster film would have helped.

In "P" mode, the camera chooses a shutter speed suitable for hand holding, hence 1/90. Since you were using a tripod, this restriction was unnecessary. A better choice would have been to use Tv (shutter priority) and manually set a slower shutter speed. The camera meters the existing light and so the meter may indicate that correct exposure is at 1/8 to 2 seconds or more, depending on the lighting. You can go ahead and set a higher speed of say 1/15 or 1/30 to stop slow body movements and the flash will act as fill light and give you a better exposure.

Kodak has an good "how to" on flash photography at their website:

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December 21, 2000

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