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Photography Question 

KC Pagano

Working with fiber paper

I was recently asked to present a portfolio done in fiber paper. I am new to fiber paper and have foud that the edges curl when the paper drys. Also I as I have read and been told that fiber paper drys down when the paper drys. My questions is this how do I straighten and store the images I make with out doing any damage, until it is time to send out the portfolio? Thanks

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January 31, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
There use to be something called photo blotters available for fiber paper. You insert the wet print between two sheets of blotter paper, and let dry. The blotters help keep the prints flat as they dry, thus reducing the curling. Blotters may be more difficult to find now, but check with some large camera stores. Curling has always been a problem, and a nuisance, with fiber paper.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 01, 2005

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