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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Sky Photography

I would like to know if there are any special techniques for sunset photography.

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December 07, 2000


Mark A. Braxton
  Hi Corina,
There are several techniques to sunset photography. One way to get a good metering is to meter off of the light off to the side of the sun. Do not meter off of the sun as it will make the scene real dark. Another good idea is to put a subject in your foreground and let that block the direct rays from the sun from your camera. Also, most importantly, start taking sunset pictures at the start of sunset and keep snapping until the sun goes down completely.

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December 08, 2000


Aline Lachapelle
  Well... there are so many sunset photos that it is hard to get an original image. Try all sorts of techniques... vertical, horizontal... with a silhouetted foreground, or a flashed foreground... I don't have a light meter, so I can't help you in that respect, I just try many shots with different settings, and record which was which so I eventually learn which work well and which don't! The main key is to keep your eyes open for interesting skies, and great spots to view them from. Hopefully you'll get some shots that you can be proud of!

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December 09, 2000


Danilo Aquino
  Hello, sorry for my bad english but I´m just trying to learn it. Sky photos is a really easy matter. First step, you get to know what is your point of interest, if is the subject, then meter the subject, but the rest of your composition will be overexposed. If you want to capture the magic of sunset, meter to the light of the sun, not to the sun itself. If you are on the beach and if you want to get an impressive effect, point to the sun and set your f stop to 22, you will obtain an interesting effect, the sea water will appear with a blue effect. Write me back if it works. Bye.

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December 12, 2000

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