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Photography Question 

Tammy Scott

Multiple Exposures

I am trying to learn about the Mulitple Exposure on my Canon Rebel Ti. I understand the concept however, I have a question on the exposure. I looked on a website that said if you have 100ASA film in your camera and you want to take a multiple exposure using two subjects you should change the ISO setting on your camera to 200. This will let in half as much light for each subject resulting in proper exposure for the frame. I was wondering if my camara does this automatically when I use the Multiple Exposure setting. Thanks. Tammy

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January 20, 2005


Jon Close
  No, the camera does not automatically adjust ISO or exposure when set for multiple exposure.

Plus halving exposure is more of a guideline or starting point than an absolute. It depends on your composition. If for example you are adding a moon to a landscape, you would not adjust the exposure of either shot. The black around the moon does not add exposure to the rest of the film frame.

The exposure reduction guideline is also more applicable to slide film than print. Print film has wide exposure latitude and will respond very well to +1 stop exposure compensation/overexposure - ie. double the normal exposure. So (depending on the situation) you may do well to adjust the ISO by less than a full stop per multiple exposure to keep individual elements from being too underexposed. Examples: with ISO 100 film, set ISO 125 or 160 for double exposure.

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January 20, 2005


Tammy Scott
  Thank you so much for your help!!!! I am going to try my hand at it this weekend and see what I come up with!!

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January 20, 2005

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