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Mike Phillips

1d price drop now as low as 20D

Canons 1D has droped in price now to as low as the 20D, in my case is 1,700 to much or is the 1,300 for 20 a bette deal. Is the responce from the 20 as good as the 1D, Is the weight an issue for the guys with the 1D, cannot believe the 1D's price was 5,500 when it came out, and now are selling from 1,300 to 2,000

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January 02, 2005


Jon Close
  The price has dropped because the 1D has been replaced by the 1D mk II and retailers want to blow out the old stock. A great opportunity while it lasts.

The 1D has larger sensor with only 1.3x crop factor instead of the 20D's 1.6x. It also has professional build quality including dust and water sealed switches and body seams, bright glass pentaprism with 100% frame view, and heavy duty shutter mechanism (rated to 150,000 cycles).

The cat's pajamas when it was introduced, the 1D is now 1-2 "generations" old - 3 years is a long time in the quickly chaning digital technology. It's sensor is just 4.5mp. Even so, it is much larger and gives much less digital noise at higher ISO settings so that it is still superior to even the 8mp sensors in point & shoots like the PowerShot Pro 1.

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January 02, 2005


Mike Phillips
  Your quite right Jon, The MKII has had a major impact on the 1D'S price drop which is great for us hobbisits that cannot afford the MKII or the 1D when it came out new.. but now it is in our grasp, The features of the 1D is now what attracts me to this outdated camera. None the Less its a premiear camera that outbeats so many others even used. and for only 200-300 more than the 20 its a steal.

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January 02, 2005

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