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Flash with fully manual SLR - please help!


I have been given a splendid old fully manual Yashica FX-3. It came with an equally old Canon Canolite D flash (fits into the hot shoe). Soooo... I have no idea what aperture and shutter speeds to set when using the flash. I have realised that the camera's meter just gives the exposure for ambient lighting. The manual says that the camera will sense a dedicated Yashica flash unit and has TTL (??) but this will not work with other flash units. It does say to use shutter speeds of 1/30 or below for non-Yashica flash units but what aperture should I set? The Canon flash just has an on and off switch, no scales or numbers. Thanks!

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December 30, 2004


Vikas Shivanker
  dear mark

you need to do some experiment with u r flash and camera.but be shure first u set u camer in flash sync speed and then shoot some photo with differt aperture. write down this settings in note book.( also mention what distance u have got with u r camera and subject )then send u r film in lab. after devloping u can gues what setting will be right for photos

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December 30, 2004


Jon Close
  The Canolite D was dedicated to the Canonet rangefinder cameras and automatically adjusted its output using the camera's meter. On any other camera it is going to fire with fixed full output, assuming the second pin does not get conflicting signals from the camera. You probably should tape over the 2nd pin (the one not in the center) when using the flash on cameras other than the Canonet.

To get proper exposure you'll need to manually set the aperture based on the guidenumber formula:
f-number = sqrt(ISO/100) x GN/D

where ISO is the speed of the film being used,
GN is the guidenumber for the flash at ISO 100 (14m or 45 ft. for the Canolite D),
and D is the flash to subject distance.

The shutter speed can be set to the Yashica's x-sync or any slower speed.

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December 31, 2004


  Wow. Thanks Jon, that's exactly what I wanted. It seemed complicated but when I did the math it corresponds to the aperture settings quite simply. So I'm all set! I'll write out the settings for the film I'm using and stick it on the back of the flash... Thanks again.

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December 31, 2004

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