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Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

underwater slr adventures?

Hi! I've seen some of those bags for slr's that are claimed to make them waterproof to at least a shallow depth. Right now, I'm specifically looking at page 20 of PopPhoto&Imaging from July of 2004. Also, I see a picture taken by guru Russell James on page 99 of the same issue or at bottom right photo. I assume he could just have taken his camera underwater (Hasselblad H1?). So, I'm asking, will these plastic bag things crafted to cover an slr (canon rebel GII) so it doesn't get wet, will they work? Or is there another way? My lenses probably aren't waterproof to my knowledge because they were so inexpensive (the zoom that came with the camera, canon f1.8 50mm, and a $150 80-200mm zoom). Is there anyway I can use my camera to take these kinds of pictures? Thanks! Sorry about the choppyness of this question.

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December 30, 2004



With those money you are paying, they'd better work ;) Seriously, if you follow their instructions and check carefully before you get into the water, you should be OK. Hope this helps.

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January 04, 2005


  Hi, you can also check out I don't think they have a case for the Rebel, but they do have some SLR cases, it might be good to check them out. Adorama also sells waterproof cases. (


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January 04, 2005

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