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Carolin Jennings

Felt tip markers causing CD rot

I have seen a lot about felt tip markers causing CR rot lately. However I have CDs that have on them "felt tip markers only". Is there anyone that knows anything about this subject? If it is true about the CD rot, What is the estimated life of a CD that has been marked with a felt tip marker? I have over 150 CDs all with back up CDs and I dont want to have to reburn them if I don't really need to. I have always used a Sharpie to number my CD-Rs and CD-RWs. Sharpies are felt tip.

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December 21, 2004


Peter K. Burian

To be safe, why not buy markers that are designed specifically to be safe on CD's?

I use Lumocolor CD/DVD Markers made by Staedtler. ("Safe for Labeling CD's and DVD's") But you may be able to find other brands too at Staples or similar stores.

Cheers! Peter

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December 31, 2004

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