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Photography Question 

Jenny A. Lee

Some idea for couple poses

A friend of mine has asked me to take some photographs of her and her boyfriend. The setting is going to be on a farm with cattle, ponds, fence, etc...

I was wondering if anyone could offer some posing ideas that are different but effective. My friend loves photos where the subjects are not looking into the camera. So if anyone has any ideas or can tell me where I can find some help, I sure would appreciate it.


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December 15, 2004


Andrew Laverghetta
  hope it's not too late to suggest some stuff. well, first of all, maybe you could just start talking with them and have them talk to each other and then just let them do whatever they do. Eventually (or hopefully) they'll become used to you and forget that you are there. Then you can just take pictures whenever you see personality unfolding or something cute. You might be able to get a good shot of them walking away from you, holding hands and maybe with s small kiss. I saw this in a wedding picture of my girlfriend's sister. Maybe they could lean up again a wall of a barn or something with a closed door beside them, you could get a picture with them on one side of the frame and the door on the other. I've been trying myself especially to use what I think I've head people call the rule of thirds or something. I think it's if you imagine tic tac toe lines across the viewfinder and try to put the center of your subject where two of those imaginary lines intersect. I have the same posing problems as well so I thought I'd give some of my knowledge. Let me know how it goes or went!

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December 19, 2004 - Pamela C.M Lammersen

BetterPhoto Member
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  Hello Jenny
Just do some research on the internet, there are 1000,s of ideas out there but the best ones will come from your own imagination. As Andrew said, see how they interact with each other and go from there. but if you 'have' to get ideas from somewhere else, just look at other photographers sites and you will get lots of great ones.
good luck

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December 20, 2004

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