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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


Is it possible to create transparencies from digital pictures that may be used as backgrounds on email?
Thank you.

- Jack P

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November 07, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Hi Jack,
You can have digital files made into slides (or transparencies) for use in standard slide shows and presentations.

You can also use digital images in email, as long as you are able to send what is called Rich Text or HTML email.

To create a background with a semi-transparent background effect, you would want to open your photo in a image-editing program and play with the opacity, curves, levels, or other tools until you get the effect you are after. Unfortunately, that is about as specific as I can get.

When sending such photo-enhanced messages, email etiquette dictates that you keep the file size of your images as low as possible. This way, it won't take a long time for your email to transmit.

It's tricky so I recommend sending many test emails to yourself at various accounts (i.e. get a hotmail account, yahoo account, etc) until you are satisfied with the effect.

When it comes to actually combining your photo with an email message, you need to consult your particular email programs Help files. In Outlook Express, for example, you would set up the program to send messages using HTML or Rich Text. Then you would open up a new message and click on the 'Source' tab and insert the HTML used to display a background image. Some programs might have this much more automated for you. Let me know what you find out...

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November 25, 2000

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