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Photography Question 

Steve McCroskey

How to shoot fireworks

What settings should be used to shoot a fireworks display? Camera used:Minolta Maxxum 5
Lenses: 28-105mm & 70-300mm
Film: 800 speed or other if preferred!

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November 16, 2004


  This may help:

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November 16, 2004


Jacques G-L
  My experience in fire works says, no to that link up there. It is better with velvia 50, reala 100 or ektachrome between 50 to 100 asa not more. Open B on a tripod with a cable realese. F at 8 or 11 at least (you be suprise by the huge distance in those bomb diameter. The time now; the time give the effect, but you can stay open for one two tree bomb. So 3 to 25 saconds. The difference will be more in the black darkness of the sky and the details quantity of the soil. ex.if you are on a bridge and you see the down ground. You be lucky if that event don't start too late. Camera open 25 sec to the sunset side with some bomb could give you a fantastic suprise when developping, you will see the graduated sky up to the horizon, really! All the most interesting pic I took was with a down soil scene or "a reference". You can try stupid things too its free, like rotating or moove the camera as your creation just before releaseing the cabel, could make like speed effect, or bring back the zoom. The tiffen 812 or henancer is usefull. after experience you will understand the challenge: to not burn the colors.
I use 64 asa or 100 6X6 slides and after I choose the winner one for enlargement, 20X20" Wow! your 28-105mm will certenly be more usefull.

Here in Montreal Quebec Canada we are lucky, each year we have one of the biggest international fire works contest of the world
good luck to all, and more importent HAVE FUN

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November 16, 2004


John P. Sandstedt
  Use a tripod and a slow seed film [ISO 100-200, unles you opt for Velvia [ISO 50.]

Use wide angle lens openings, forget your 75-300 mm zoom lens.

Set f11 or f/16 and use the bilb setting. The latter means you'll have to hold the lens open so use a cable release [electronic if your camera needs it.] If your came takes a real time exposure, you'll have to press the shutter at the start and end of the exposure.

You can also cover the lens with a black card, open it using the cable release, move the card away, count the number of seconds for you esposure, cover the lens with the cardboard, close the lens. This technique can be used to capture one of more fireworks bursts on the same negative.


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November 19, 2004

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