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Photography Question 

Diane Weightman

How to shoot actions shots in low light??

I am trying to take a lot of pictures in low light situations with lots of action-marching band photos. I am not a total beginner but not all that expereinced with all the settings etc on this type of camera.

My biggest obstacle now is marching band competitions. My son's band is very fast and I am having troubles capturing the action without it being blurry or totally distorted.

I am using a Manfrotto tripod with a pistol grip so that I can move quickly to my location/shot. I also have been using a remote switch to make sure I am not moving the camera.

I am using flash off and using the lights from the field.

I haven't had much experience in changing things like ISO, and using the TV (Time Value)and AV (Aperature Value) modes.

I am NOT sure what I am supposed to be setting exactly to capture this type of image.

Any and ALL help would be highly appreciated. My sons band is going top Macy's and I want to get all the competitions shot as nicely as I can for the entire band.

Thank you!

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October 30, 2004

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