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BetterPhoto Member

Convertors and Digital SLR Zoom Lens

I have just taken ownership of a Nikon D70 kit and have the following question: can I use a convertor with the Sigma 55-200mm zoom lens. I need to match the digital zoom of my old Minolta Dimage 7i from 200mm to 400mm with optical zoom?

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October 14, 2004


Jon Close
  The Dimage 7i's lens is 7.2mm - 50.8mm and f/2.8-3.5. With its small digital sensor, it gives a view comparable to 35mm film camera with 28mm - 200mm zoom.

The Sigma 55mm - 200mm lens is slower at f/4-5.6. The D70's digital sensor is larger than the Dimage 7i's, but still smaller than 35mm film, so the 55-200 gives the equivalent of 82.5mm - 300mm. So it already exceeds the telephoto capability of the Dimage 7i.

The digital zoom feature of the Dimage 7i simply crops the image captured by the lens, then enlarges it. You can do the same with the D70's images with the editing software. It'll look better from the D70 since the crop/enlargement is from a larger sensor, with greater pixel capture and far less digital noise than the Dimage 7i.

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October 14, 2004

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