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Photography Question 

MaryAnn Westlund

Do I need a Release?

Can anyone help me with understanding when I need to get a release for photos that I shoot and (am trying to) sell to the public and to publishers. For ex.- I recently shot a fire truck on their property and I would like to sell it. If it looks generic (no town name visible on pic) can I freely use it?

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October 13, 2004


Terry M. Gunderson
  Hello Mary, the release (as far as I understand it) is for use when you plan to use for sale or public display any photograph with a recognizable person in it. I do not think the even had the firetruck had a name on it that the name would be copyrighted. If I were you, and I am... I always seek out the owner of the property for a release... better to be safe than sorry ya know.

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October 14, 2004

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