BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Action & Sports Pictures

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Lens for Soccer Action

What is the best lens to use for soccer action shots? Also, would I need to use a tripod?

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September 29, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Lens choice will depend upon how close you can get to the action. A good zoom lens that covers the 80-200 mm range might be your best option if you are shooting from the sidelines or from the seats closest to the field.
A tripod probably will not help much, since you'll need a fast shutter speed to freeze the athletes anyway, so camera shake shouldn't be an issue.
Just try to keep your shutter speeds at 1/250 second or faster.

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September 29, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  Using the tripod is only necessary IF you will take photos in really low light and switching the shutter speed to something below 1/60. (Best to use FAST FILM - i.e., ISO 400 or ISO 800, if the tripod is additional bulk for you). Suggested zoom lenses? In Canon, AF-EF lenses 55-200mm, 75-300mm would be appropriate. Nikon 80-400VR or 80-200mm, while in Minolta 75-300mm or 80-200mm APO Super HS are superb AF lenses.

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September 30, 2004

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