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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Depth of Field

I am using a Sony Mavica CVC500CD Digital Camera. I am photographing very detailed pieces of pottery. If I am shooting lets say a container. I want to get focused on the back rim of the container. But when I take the picture the back of the rim is always blurry. Do I need to get a different type of lens? Or is it just something that I am doing wrong? Please help!

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September 28, 2004


Jon Close
  To get maximum depth of field, shoot in aperture priority mode and set the smallest aperture (largest f-number). On the MVC-CD500 it's f/8.

Even at that, depth of field is very shallow at extremely close (MACRO) shooting distances. You might try backing up and enlarging on the pottery detail you want.

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September 28, 2004

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