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Photography Question 

Frank P. Luongo

Is the Sidelighting Effective?

I have uploaded 2 photographs I took on a sunny day. I shot one photo with frontlighting and one with low-angled sidelight. Is the sidelighting effective? Does it give more depth to the image?
Comments or suggestions welcome. Thanks!

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September 02, 2004


Brenda Tharp
  Frank, the first image is not entirely front lit. You can see the diagonal drift of the shadows indicating that while the light was more from the front than from the side, it was still high enough of an angle to create those shadows. This is GOOD - it makes this picture better than if it were directly lit with no shadows...
In the second, sidelit one, you have lost the graphic effect by having such a dark shadow in the right corner, and that changes things. Your composition from the side is more interesting, but the lighting fell apart in that one.
You might want to rethink your understanding of frontlit vs. sidelit. You're close, but remember that frontlit means when the sun is directly and evenly hitting your subject face on. (br>Hope this helps!

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September 02, 2004


Frank P. Luongo
  Thanks, Brenda! I appreciate your expert opinion. As it happens I just began to cover light in my photo course at NYIP.
However, for additional training would you recommend the course "Mastering Light" at BetterPhoto?

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September 03, 2004


Brenda Tharp
  Yes, I would recommend Jim's class on lighting. He's a great photographer and a teacher by all accounts. Other classes (like mine) cover lighting, but his is entirely focused on light. Good luck to you!

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September 03, 2004

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