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Photography Question 

KJ Callaway

Shooting indoor athletic events

Ok, all you experts. I'm trying to figure out how to get good indoor shots of middle school volleyball and basketball games using my Canon Rebel 2000. I tried using my Minolta X-370N, but the results were dismal at best. It's just too hard (for me, anyway) to get a good focused action shot using a manual focus lens, so I've decided to try using my Canon auto instead. What is the best setting for me to use? I've tried using the auto/actoin setting on the camera, but the lighting in the gym is so poor that all my shots are dark and blurry. I've also tried using 800 speed, but the shots that DO turn out ok are too grainy for enlargements - a lot of the kids want shots of themselves in action, but they want GOOD ones! Help!

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September 02, 2004


Michelle Ross
  I'm by far from a pro and struggle with this myself . . . but I was told to get an Add on Flash(not the built in one) and to also sit as close to the "action" as you can. Usually the flash will only still go a certain amount of feet. Using that plus an 800 speed film should help.

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September 05, 2004


KJ Callaway
  Well, I've tried 800 speed, but the shots turn out too grainy for enlargements, and I'm ALWAYS asked for them...and if people are paying for them, I want to give them good quality. Also, using a flash is frowned upon as it distracts the athletes. I'm usually able to get pretty close to the action, but my main problem is knowing how to set the camera for the best shots. Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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September 05, 2004


Michelle Ross
  Okay .. .I didn't think about the flash and being distracting . . . I think your next possiblilty would be to use a tripod which might mean being off to the side but on the same level as the court. . . and then setting your aperature and shutter speeds manually if you can do that . . . depending on your camera you should be able to still use auto focus. I have a minola Maxxum 5 and it allows me to do this but I'm not sure about your Rebel. . . Again I'm still learning myself but that's the only option I can think of!

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September 05, 2004

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